Monday, July 15, 2019

Russia is Mordor, but Independent.

It has been twenty years. The great V. V. Putin has become the Emperor of the Great Russia, and protected Russian sovereignty from the greedy claws of the foreign petrochemical giants.
Except, he neglected, or allowed, or knowingly handed Russia to his own bureaucrats. These guys have no talents of running a business, much less a municipality, so they pocket billions of rubles, euros, dollars, and export Russia's capital to build their own villas, buy their own vineyards, and open their own nest egg accounts at exclusive wealth management banks like the ones in Zug, Switzerland.

Even a manager of city's garbage disposal service is a millionaire, while the city is brimming with garbage and falling apart.

Mordor is the realm of the arch-villain Sauron.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Russian Naval Archives

Coordinates: 59°33'39"N 30°6'34"E

Also similar to US DOD The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) and

Центральный Военно-Морской Архив (ЦВМА) (Гатчина)

overheard: Ivy Bells material stored at a defunct site

В ЦВМА хранятся документы периода Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. и послевоенного периода с 1946 года по настоящее время.