Sunday, October 31, 2021

Stalin Idea That Cultivated Trump Too

 Stalin was a very sharp and far thinking and creative thinking strategist, maybe a chess player too:

Way in the young days of USSR he realized that Armand Hammer was to be nurtured as the best contact man in the USA, better than a US or USSR ambassador, or a friendship society.
Years ago I told you about the Vassiliev's Notes. He used the free access to the  KGB archives suddenly opened to the public, on the condition that one could look at it and copy it only in handwriting into own notebooks, and only under the supervision of an archive worker.
His notes became extremely valuable because they were confirmed, or concurred with US VENONA and other intelligence products.
Armand Hammer, another products of Odessa, was a very enterprising young businessman who wanted to do business with Lenin even before he USSR was created. Armand became good friends with Lenin, and was the only person in the world who got personal gifts from the leader. The success resulted in pencil (bureaucracy, education) and asbestos (gloves, stoves, steam locomotives) concessions in the nascent USSR.
Some of the concessions' American citizen employees disappeared in USSR, it's very hard to account for their fate. Armand Hammer did not care about them.
After Lenin died, Stalin took over the government, and saw a gold mine of opportunity in Hammer. He formulated an idea well-recorded by the underlings:
Armand Hammer is a conservative American, an ambitious businessman, a capitalist, who loves USSR, is the only human being in the world personally accepted by Lenin, who had shaken his hand, hugged him, became his close friend; started to lobby USA government to recognize USSR, helped Communists to their business in USA, protected them. He will help USSR, to cause problems if not subvert  American government, and the country. This man should be groomed, protected, and coddled as long as he lives.
In the 70's Armand Hammer did cause problems for the government and the uS president. His illegal contributions to Nixon's election campaign, perfectly motivated as a pure motivation from the Republican supporter, caused a sub-scandal that that was a part of the later Watergate scandal, also involving a Montana governor, and Armand's Occidental petroleum. All reminiscent of the events of the Trump's presidency.
In both presidencies one could see the a modus operandi, or an obvious coincidental, or not so coincidental circumstantial evidence of the Stalin's use of a billionaire to stir problems in USA.
In the early 80's, high level strategists in the KGB and Politburo noticed that Armand Hammer's phenomenal mind started to show signs of decay. They explicitly started a project to find another conservative, republican billionaire who would replace Hammer.
Yuri Shvets, another product of Ukraine, and the best student of the KGB colleges and later the most professional KGB officer, is known as having been the USSR's embassy top spokesman, KGB man, operations man, etc. When KGB and USSR died, he was unemployed, and simply moved to USA, where he was quickly snapped up and employed by the intel community. Only months ago he felt free to start his own Youtube channel, where he confirmed the KGB following the Stalin's dictum.
From all the American functionaries who visited USSR, not even the Ed Kennedy and his naive overture of asking the KGB to help stop Reagan, the only prospect who inspired hope was Trump. Trump, interested in franchising or branding his name, wanted to give his name to a hotel in USSR, and sure enough, this was jumped on by the USSR and he was warm heartedly invited there by the USSR. Yuri Shvets, the ultimate key operative in the USSR embassy, later confirmed the KGB's agenda (In Russian, Youtube).
But somehow, Trump's connections did not help Russia or Putin. According to Shvets, the inept new generation of Russian intel community could not handle the American opposition, and only succeeded in electronic muddling or meddling in US elections.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Good Thing It's Not Wikileaks.

Years ago, way before Manning The Transvestite and Snowden The Whistleblower, I wanted to make this blog into a venue for all things leaky and secret, but realized that in long term, after much feedback, it would at best serve the PR of Obama mafia, and at worst, be Wikidiarrhea like Wikileaks.

The latest revelations on Wikileaks show a NSA guide to exploiting cyberinformation. The material is Top Secret, but the content is nothing new, and is extremely logical to anyone with some knowledge of Usenet, blogging, social web, and multimedia authoring.

Maybe we'll never know the real juicy classified info. So fat we have seen a version of a slide show presentation, with nifty general names names for conceptual systems that plug into the WWW and other digital networks, and it's just nice looking colorized flow chart. 

The Soviet Sabotage Has Won, Thanks to Obama

Bezmenov's Lecture 

summarized as:


family values destroyed, morality and virtues vilified , gender politics is a tool of revenge


riots, politicized malicious litigation, busing of rioters, political correctness, college radical activity


Comintern, The Soviet's Communist Party, and/or KGB establishing contacts with the student movemnets, leftist poltiicians (Ted Kennedy overture to the Soviets)

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully," Obama wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." 

After college, Obama states lived on Manhattan's Upper East Side, venturing to the East Village for what he called "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union."


Weinstein, Chess, and survival in NKVD

Stumbled on this personality, definitely not out of any interest in chess.

This one is of a cringy profession, a high level Stalin security pro, Weinstein, Boris son of Shlomo, 
Extremely more incredible is that he never joined the Communist Party, an absolute requirement for acceptance, credibility, reliability, etc.
Amid the chaos of the new USSR, there was an economics department of a university, which he finished with a degree and a doctorate, then transferred to the physics and math department, all before 1930s. Then headed development and planning committee for transportation, to build a reserve trans Siberian railway, further from the Chinese border (BAM, got shelved until 1970s), all the while being an expert in chess writing on it for chess periodicals and newspapers.
Got transferred to the NKVD security apparatus for strategic infrastructure, survived the irrational purges of the 1937-38s, despite all the odds. 
(All non communists in high positions were assumed to be the silent opposition to Communism)
When Germans invaded, supervised construction of defense engineering structures, then frontline supply logistics, then post war hydroelectric projects. All the while started to write books on chess, also under the pen name Ferzberry, a play on words "ferz" knight, "beri" take.

(From the directory compiled by the Memorial)

Меранская система в историческом развитии. М., 1956; Meran variation and its historical development

Комбинации  и  ловушки  в  дебюте.  М.,  1960; 
Tricks and boobytraps in debut

Импровизация в шахматном искусстве. М., 1976;
Improvisation in the art of chess

Шахматы  сражаются.  М.,  1985
Chess battles on

Ловушки Ферзьбери. М., 1990
Ferzberry's boobytraps.

ВАЙНШТЕЙН БОРИС СОЛОМОНОВИЧ (САМОЙЛОВИЧ) (19.05.1907, Одесса – 1993, Москва). Родился в семье служащего. Еврей. Беспартийный. Доктор экон. наук. Образование: физико-математический ф-т Среднеазиат. гос. ун-та 10.2401.30; 1 курс заоч. планового ин-та, Москва 1935–1936. Секретарь, инструктор, зам. пред. оргкомиссии Среднеазиат. пролетарского студенчества 10.24–09.28; пред. Среднеазиат. шахматной секции 1928–1929; литсотрудник газеты «Правда Востока», Ташкент 1929–1929; консультант Среднеазиат. Госплана 03.30–02.31; зам. нач. ЦУНХУ Среднеазиат. Госплана 02.31–02.32; ассистент Среднеазиат. планового ин-та, преподаватель Среднеазиат. пед. ин-та, Ташкент 03.31–02.32; ст. экономист, инспектор, нач. группы, нач. планового отд-я строит-ва БАМа 05.32–09.33. В РККА: служил в РККА, Винница 10.33–11.34. Нач. группы планово-фин. отд. Главжелдорстроя НКПС СССР 05.35–02.36. В органах НКВД–МВД: зам. нач. ФО ГУШОСДОРа НКВД СССР 03.36–01.05.37; пом. нач. отд-я ЦФПО НКВД СССР 01.05.37–02.38; зам. нач. сектора капитальных работ НКВД СССР 02.38–08.40; зам. нач. Глапромстроя НКВД СССР 08.40–03.07.41; зам. нач. Главгидростроя НКВД СССР 03.07.41–1941; зам. нач. ГУОБР НКВД СССР 23.08.41–15.10.41; зам. нач. Гл. упр. оборонительного строит-ва  НКО  СССР  15.10.41–18.09.42;  нач.  планового  отд.  НКВД  СССР 18.09.42–03.10.451;  зам.  нач.  упр.  материально-техн.  снабжения  (УМТС) НКВД  СССР  03.10.45–01.03.46;  зам.  нач.  Главнефтестроя  Юга  и  Запада  М-ва топливного  строит-ва  СССР  14.02.46–30.07.47;  нач.  упр.  производственных предприятий  и  лесозаготовок  Главнефтестроя  при  СМ  СССР  30.07.47–12.48; зам.  нач.  упр.  пром-сти  и  спецстроит-ва  ГУЛАГа  МВД;  находился  в  резерве офицерского состава МВД СССР 28.01.46–20.01.54; уволен 20.01.54. Звания:  капитан  ГБ  16.10.41;  подполковник  ГБ  11.02.43;  полковник  ГБ 12.01.45. Награды:  орден  Трудового  Красного  Знамени  21.02.42;  орден  Красной  Звезды 16.05.45; орден «Знак Почета» 20.09.43; 4 медали. Сочинения:  Меранская  система  в  историческом  развитии.  М.,  1956;  Комбинации  и  ловушки  в  дебюте.  М.,  1960;  Импровизация  в  шахматном  искусстве. М.,  1976;  Мыслитель.  М.,  1981;  Шахматы  сражаются.  М.,  1985;  Ловушки Ферзьбери. М., 1990. Примечание:  1Пред.  Всесоюз.  шахматно-шашечной  секции  1942–1945,  автор статей и фельетонов под псевдонимом Ферзьбери.