In this installment of SALWISS basics, we will see that the SALWISS information management is very straightforward and end-user oriented. Look at this display of a gunship FOV with SALWISS information overlaid.
Some of the targets here have been downloaded to the pilot from a SALWISS platform, while some have been acquired by his gunship's SALWISS sensors. Other than the navigation data, the prime field of view is taken up with SALWISS labels overlaid as arrows, letters, stars, and X's.
Immediately next to the pilot's console there is this SALWISS target list:
the list means:
A and B are trucks, medium warm, and they are major SALWISS targets sent from a major platform.
C is a metal object, relatively cool, and it is a target received from a local command, or another weapon platform.
D is a human, acquired by the pilot's gunship's SALWISS sensors, and appears to be partially exposed or hiding.
E is a building structure, with fixed markers, its targeting points fixed and sent by SALWISS staff.
F is a canopy structure, with markers adjustable, sent automatically from a SALWISS platform.
G is a relatively warm equipment, a target sent by another weapon platform.
H is a small metal object, a piece of small equipment, a target sent by another weapon platform.
I is a medium-sized metal object, relatively warm, a target sent by another weapon platform.
J is a section of a road, with its markers, or targeting points adjustable, sent by SALWISS staff.
K is a defined point, movable, assigned by a local command.
As a clue to the SALWISS weapon tags, it can be disclosed that the tag's first letters, have the following significance (the tags can also include letter combinations, according to the nature of the target, re. moving, fixed):
H-warm-blooded capacitance
GS-geometric, fixed
GV-geometric adjustable
Fore example, a man that has been moving for some time can be tagged as HR, a group of men can be tagged as HHV. What fun, isn't it?